OneNine; A Social Media Marketing Agency in Sri Lanka

Get your name out there! With posts & social media marketing content that align with your brand’s morals, we help project traffic onto your website. Social media marketing Sri Lanka paves an avenue for revenue, and we at OneNine breathe social media.

From Facebook to LinkedIn, X (Formerly Twitter) to Instagram & TikTok, our social media marketing agency knows how to hammer it out. Work with our team and social media management tools to craft high-performing social campaigns that rank high through the chart. From the get-go of setting up your brand’s persona to shaping its identity, this social media agency ensures your story is told like it is.

Your Social Media Management Campaign Holds Power

As one of the best social media marketing companies in Sri Lanka, measuring success with relevant metrics is paramount. Refining your strategy and achieving your business objectives requires understanding these metrics:

Your brand’s reach and resonance with your audience are reflected in how many followers you have and how many comments you receive. A growing audience comes from setting follower growth and engagement targets.

We assess which types of content are most engaging and most likely to convert. By analysing content performance, future social media content can be aligned with audience preferences. In contrast, conversion rate targets quantify the ROI of social media advertising.

Customer Interaction: Track customer feedback and sentiment through comments, reviews, and direct messages. Customer satisfaction and brand image are enhanced by setting targets. Social media agencies in Sri Lanka, for instance, can provide region-specific insights so your objectives are culturally relevant and achievable.


Social Media Platforms OneNine Helps Manage.

Strategic Insights

Getting Creative With Our Approaches

Social media analytics and audits are significant to our company. We acquire insightful information that helps us modify and improve your social media ads by carefully examining the social media presence of your competitors.

We proactively organise social media advertising campaign ads and pieces using an in-depth content calendar to ensure the highest possible audience engagement.

Prioritising sentiment and value in creating posts that resonate with your target audience, our social media managers, in collaboration with you, will examine multiple & various social media campaigns to identify the best language that compliments your brand’s messaging


Your logo needs a story; we’re here to tell it

Your brand needs a platform; we’re here to give you one.